macro-html Manual
is a DSL for generating HTML¹. It aims to be fast, modular, cachable and concise. It does so by defining each element as a macro which expands to code printing the respective HTML source. It also employs a readtable syntax for element attributes.
is a collection of widget functions. Those functions utilize macro-html
to print compound HTML elements such as lists, forms or even complete documents. The provided widgets are documented in macro-html Widgets.
- 1. HTML5
exports an element macro for every valid HTML element as of HTML5. An element macro prints the respective HTML element including its attributes, child elements and text nodes to *standard-output*
. Single element macros such as br
take a property list of attributes as their arguments, e.g. (br :class "foo" ...)
. Regular tag macros such as p
take an arbitrary number of children as arguments. The first argument can optionally be an attribute list, e.g. (p '(:attributes :class "bar" ...) "foo" ...)
In order to ease specifying attributes for regular element macros the readtable macro-html:syntax
provides a specialized reader syntax, e.g. (p [:class "bar" ...] "foo" ...)
Every child form gets evaluated exactly once. If a form evaluates to a string or pathname it will be escaped and printed inside the element, otherwise its return value will be ignored. Element macros can be nested to produce compound HTML output.
(p [:class "foo" :id "bar"] "Hello, " (b "World") "!" (br :class "baz") (symbol-name 'list)) ▷ <P CLASS="foo" ID="bar">Hello, <B>World</B> ▷ <BR CLASS="baz">LIST</P>
.The function html-doctype
prints the HTML !DOCTYPE
element to *standard-output*
. The macro text
evaluates its body forms as if they were children of a element macro and can be used to explicitly print text nodes.
(defun hello (name) (text "Hello " name "!")) (h1 (hello "Joe")) ▷ <H1>Hello Joe!</H1>
.List of defined regular element macros
, abbr
, address
, article
, aside
, audio
, b
, bdi
, bdo
, blockquote
, body
, button
, canvas
, caption
, cite
, code
, colgroup
, datalist
, dd
, del
, details
, dfn
, div
, dl
, dt
, em
, embed
, fieldset
, figcaption
, figure
, footer
, form
, h1
, h2
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, head
, hgroup
, header
, html
, i
, iframe
, ins
, keygen
, kbd
, label
, legend
, li
, map
, mark
, menu
, meter
, nav
, noscript
, object
, ol
, optgroup
, option
, output
, p
, pre
, progress
, q
, rp
, rt
, ruby
, s
, samp
, script
, section
, select
, small
, span
, strong
, style
, sub
, sup
, table
, tbody
, td
, textarea
, tfoot
, th
, thead
, time
, title
, tr
, u
, ul
, var
, video
, wbr
List of defined single element macros
, base
, br
, col
, command
, hr
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, option
, param
, source
, track
depends on named-readtables
and shadows map
and time
as those symbols collide with HTML element names.