FILE-TYPES API DOCUMENTATION Max Rottenkolber Sunday, 26 July 2015 Table of Contents 1 file-types 1.1 file-mime (Function) 1.2 file-tags (Function) 1 file-types Simple scheme to classify file types in a hierarchical fashion. 1.1 file-mime (Function) Syntax: — Function: file-mime file → mime-type Arguments and Values: file—a pathname designator. mime-type—a two-element list containing both MIME type parts as strings or nil. Description: file-mime returns the mime-type of file or nil if one could not be determined. 1.2 file-tags (Function) Syntax: — Function: file-tags file &optional tag → tags Arguments and Values: file—a pathname designator. tag—a keyword. tags—a list of keywords which describe properties of a given file. Description: file-tags returns tags for file. If tag is given, file-tags acts as a predicate that tests if tag is associated with file. In that case file-tags will return nil unless tag would be present in tags.