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sleep (Function)

— Function: sleep seconds nil
Arguments and Values:

seconds—a non-negative real.


Causes execution to cease and become dormant for approximately the seconds of real time indicated by seconds, whereupon execution is resumed.

 (sleep 1)  NIL

;; Actually, since SLEEP is permitted to use approximate timing,
;; this might not always yield true, but it will often enough that
;; we felt it to be a productive example of the intent.
 (let ((then (get-universal-time))
       (now  (progn (sleep 10) (get-universal-time))))
   (>= (- now then) 10))
Side Effects:

Causes processing to pause.

Affected By:

The granularity of the scheduler.

Exceptional Situations:

Should signal an error of type type-error if seconds is not a non-negative real.